
Empowering our communities

By sharing our time, talent, and technology, we aim to inspire, support, and empower our communities, our employees, and the next generation

Giving back is in our DNA. We put our principles of corporate citizenship into action through our corporate and foundation giving, and our employee engagement program: Illumina Cares. Fostering a culture that emboldens our employees to give back is integral to connecting to our mission.

To ensure we can make a meaningful difference, our community investments support our CSR strategy areas including:

  • Equitable access to genomics
  • STEM education for all
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Disaster response
  • Sustainability and environmental justice
  • Local efforts and employee interests

Our 2021 impact

total giving

$14.5 million

causes supported

causes supported

countries reached

countries reached

volunteer hours

volunteer hours
(since 2019)

STEM participants

STEM learners
(since 2019)

We empower our people to make a difference in their communities

We create a purpose-driven culture with opportunities for employees to give back and volunteer in their community and feel connected to our mission.

We have a goal of 100,000 total volunteer hours and 50% employee participation in our Illumina Cares program by 2030

Illumina volunteer


new-hire seed donation deposit


donation match


donation earned for each hour of volunteer work


hours of paid time off for volunteering


volunteer opportunities
Next Generation of STEM

We are inspiring the next generation to usher in the future of personalized medicine

We are committed to equitable access to STEM education for all, with the goal of empowering students to become future scientists, innovators, and trailblazers. We are dedicated to increasing genomic literacy—with programs and efforts to reach everyone from health care professionals to patient advocates to young students in our annual Future is Bright DNA Day program.

Learn More


5 million

STEM learners reached by 2030

Empowering communities
across the globe

Interactive map showing how we are empowering communities across the globe

Genomics for good in action

Opening Doors for Students and the Possibilities of a STEM Career
Enabling COVID-19 Genomic Surveillance in India
Bringing Sophisticated Lab Experiences to High School Classrooms